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Live Well.


I’m Jennifer Rayson, Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Jennwell sprouted out of my lifelong passion for health and wellness and deep desire to inspire and encourage others to live a healthy lifestyle. I have a Masters Degree in Physical Education and a Bachelors Degree in Exercise & Sports Science. After a brief career in the field of cardiac rehabilitation, I quickly realized I wanted to be on the other side of healthcare, prevention rather than rehab. Now, as a Health & Wellness Coach, it is my mission and great joy to blend my background, training and passions to help you achieve your goals and establish a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Are you ready to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be? I created Jennwell Health & Wellness Coaching to help you live well!


Contact me today and let’s get started!

Hello and welcome!

Image by Rodion Kutsaev
What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness coaching is a dynamic partnership between client and coach designed to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Together we will move through a creative process of visioning, goal setting and accountability that builds confidence and ultimately leads to sustainable change. My job is to inspire and empower you to realize your deepest motivations for change and to harness the strengths already within you to achieve your peak level of health and wellness. 

What are your goals?

stress management

Feeling frazzled? Create daily practices to become more calm and balanced under stress.


Running on empty? Become more awake, alive and enthusiastic so you can increase productivity and do more of the things you love.

weight loss

Ready to lose those extra pounds for good? Establish new lifestyle habits that lead to permanent weight loss without dieting.


Long to feel refreshed in the morning? Start getting more of the rest your body and mind need for peak performance. 


Want to be fit and strong? Discover strategies to build a consistent exercise routine into your everyday.


Tired of diet plans that don't work? Build healthy eating patterns into your life to help control weight, promote health and prevent disease.

Green Salad
Image by Dan Russo

What my clients are saying

I was 57, in the worst shape of my life and had zero time or desire to exercise.  Cheeseburgers, French fries, and ice cream were staples in my diet…oh yeah…and Chick-Fil-A too! And then…I started listening to Jennifer and her ideas on what I could do to change my life.


She introduced me to running on trails through the woods and trying healthier foods like smoothies instead of milkshakes…and fresh vegetables instead of French fries. She was/is extremely patient with me and amazingly inspirational…in a very genuine way. She keeps track of me!


In less than 9 months I’ve lost 30 pounds, I feel great and I’m running the trails, and loving every minute of every hour…and I didn’t have to give up ice cream! I’m so grateful for Jennifer, and her thoughtfulness in personalizing an exercise program that caters to my lifestyle, and I enjoy VERY much! 


She’s a huge inspiration to me and I can honestly say…she has changed my life!   


DH  - Austin, TX

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